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Our ministry

Some of what we do...

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Hospital and Clinic


Every week, hundreds of men, women, and children gather at the clinic for evaluation and treatment. Every person is introduced to the gospel message and many maladies are treated. Dr. Mallay will consult on more complex patients there between other duties.

Adult Medicine

Within the hospital, L'Hopital Baptiste Biblique, men and women are admitted for a variety of conditions ranging from malaria or typhoid fever to advanced heart disease and cancer. Each receives compassionate care which includes addressing their spiritual state. The atmosphere is relatively relaxed (emergency situations aside) and there is often time to share the gospel or pray with patients.

Pediatric and OB/Gyn

The maternity ward and pediatric ward are almost always inhabited by several babies, children, and new mothers. Children are at most risk when it comes to diseases such as malaria, and premature babies would typically not survive without the sometimes intensive care provided to them in the hospital.


There is no regular radiologist at the hospital and no CT or MRI machine, so Dr. Mallay and some of the other medical doctors take turns running the ultrasound machine and interpreting the results of the study. This can be used to assess babies within the womb, severe abdominal pain, or suspected heart failure to name a few.

Surgical Department

Though not directly involved in surgical care, Dr. Mallay sometimes serves as an anesthesiologist in the surgical department when there are not enough anesthesiologists available in the hospital (which is often). This provides for an opportunity to pray over the patients while their critical conditions are being cared for.



Village Ministry

Mobile Clinic

Dr. Mallay is particularly passionate about the mobile clinic. This ministry provides an opportunity to reach out to those who are more isolated and may not normally seek medical care at the hospital. It has been an excellent means for sharing the gospel with many who would not have otherwise had access to that knowledge. Compassionate medical outreach often finds willing listeners.

Unreached Peoples

Togo is home to at least half a dozen unreached people groups. They haven't a Bible in their own language and most have not even heard of Jesus and the hope that He offers. Our desire is to identify and focus on communities where there are unreached peoples and present the gospel to them through compassion/medical ministry.


One goal that we have for the village outreach and mobile clinic ministries is to focus in on villages where some have expressed interest in Christ or who have placed their faith in Jesus. In this way, we would work to continue providing basic healthcare to the same group over time and could work to disciple those who wish to grow in their understanding of God and scripture.

Church Planting

The mobile clinic has proven to be fruitful in that churches have already been planted in communities reached through that ministry. Our desire is to prayerfully disciple new believers into new groups who might become new churches. The goal would be to work with local pastors to encourage mission-mindedness and to see the birth of churches that prize reproduction.

The Local Church

As a family, we will often attend church services, weddings, funerals, or functions to lend our support to the local churches which are independent of missionary input. New church plants, however, often need more direct support. Our roles will vary depending on the situation, but we may be asked to speak, pray, or teach at times. There are also opportunities to invest in the church plants to aid in construction or the acquisition of property or goods.



Compound Ministries

Cuisine Ministry

Near the hospital, there is a structure called the "cuisine" where family members of patients are lodged. Typically, the family is responsible for providing food to the patients and this is where they do their cooking. Often, there is a willing audience of women and children in residence. They make eager listeners to Bible stories and happy participants in games.

Guest Ministry

The hospital typically functions with the help of visiting short-term volunteer doctors and support staff. There are good accommodations for visitors, but the logistics and upkeep are full-time jobs often shared by several of the missionary women. What's more, our family will usually make an effort to reach out to visiting missionaries to welcome them, host them, and minister to their needs when we are able.

Children's Ministry

Mrs. Mallay involves herself in local children's ministries. In addition to the cuisine ministry, there are opportunities to visit children in the hospital or in nearby villages. This is something we endeavor to involve our children in when possible. The many missionary children on the compound also benefit from Sunday church activities, VBS, and co-opted education.

Women's Ministry

Local women are very social and are almost always happy to visit with missionary women. There are abundant opportunities for relationship building as well as more formal Bible study and ladies groups.


The Mallay children are homeschooled primarily by their mother. This is an ongoing and often rigorous task, but it is met with the conviction that we are privileged to disciple our children and involve them in our ministry to others.

Missionary Church

Compound life includes opportunities to share and teach in the missionary Sunday evening service, Wednesday night prayer group, or morning medical devotional. Worship and children's ministry are other responsibilities shared by the local missionaries.


...all for the glory of Christ our king.


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7563 E Cutler Rd
Vestaburg, MI 48891


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